
Am Puls von Microsoft


[gelöst] "Explorer for YouTube" wurde vom Store entfernt

Blade VorteXx

gehört zum Inventar
Falls sich jemand wundert, warum die App "Explorer for YouTube" nicht mehr problemlos funktioniert. Diese wurde aus dem Windows Store entfernt. Auf reddit hat jemand folgende Nachricht vom Entwickler bekommen:

This is from the dev: "Unfortunately Microsoft removed it temporary from Windows Store during investigation Ad performers. This app become very popular and there are a lot of ad impressions. Now we have more than 20,000 users. But Microsoft think that it was robotic or fraudulent.
In any way we support and develop this app even if it’s no longer available in the store."
When I asked about the possibility of contacting MS about it he said: "Yes, we’ve contacted Microsoft. The app was remove from the store and it will not come back. The final answer form MS is: We have determined that the removal of your account and published app(s) were warranted based on abusive and/or inappropriate activities. Please note that our decision is final, and you are no longer eligible to receive a payment from the Windows Store.
MS hasn’t paid anything to us since 1th of June. When we contacted them to solve payment problem. They removed account and app. So we think the main reason why app and account were removed from the store is that MS doesn’t want to pay us.
“Explorer for YouTube” can’t be supported any more. We will publish this app with different name and you will be able to download it from the Store."
He also said he will send me the name of the new app once its available. I will repost it on reddit once its done."

Ich selbst bin etwas irritiert, da ich außer einigen Werbeeinblendungen keine der geschilderten Vorwürfe nachvollziehen kann, die Microsoft gegen den Entwickler erhebt. Aber das muss prinzipiell ja nichts heißen...