Am Puls von Microsoft

Microsoft setzt voll auf Mixed Reality: Eigenes Marketing-Team gegründet

Im Herbst dieses Jahres werden diverse neue Mixed Reality Headsets erscheinen, die kostengünstig sind und zusammen mit entsprechenden Windows 10 PCs ein neues Zeitalter der künstlichen Realität einläuten sollen. Wie ernst es Microsoft mit dieser Sache ist, zeigt eine Umorganisation im Marketing-Bereich, die durch eine geleakte interne E-Mail von Yusuf Mehdi bekannt geworden ist.

Aus dem Surface Marketing-Team wurden mehrere Leute abgezogen, die künftig im “Mixed Reality Marketing Team” arbeiten sollen. Microsoft setzt also für dieses Thema eine eigene PR-Maschinerie in Gang, die – vermutlich mit einem stattlichen Budget ausgestattet – so richtig auf den Putz hauen soll, um den Absatz der neuen Headsets und der entsprechenden Windows 10 PCs im Weihnachtsgeschäft kräftig anzukurbeln. Angeführt wird dieses Team von einem prominenten Neuzugang: Elizabeth Hamren ist die ehemalige Marketing-Chefin von Oculus Rift und wird in ihrer neuen Funktion den Status eines “Corporate Vice President” haben. Die Rolle ist also auch ganz oben aufgehängt – ein weiteres Indiz dafür, dass Microsoft im Thema Mixed Reality “The next big thing” sieht.

Der vollständige Text des internen Rundschreibens:


One of the biggest bets Microsoft is making for the future of computing is the development of a new world of mixed reality, led in large part by our pioneering work on Microsoft HoloLens. We have been on this journey from the unveil of HoloLens back in January 2015, to the announcement from our OEM partners of the first headsets capable of mixed reality last October, to the release of the first Windows 10 Mixed Reality dev kits this month. As we gear up for this coming holiday, we enter a new phase of bringing mixed reality to everyone.

To match the industry-defining technical work of our engineering team and to build on the broader work to establish the category of Mixed Reality, I am excited today to announce some changes within our team to enable us to accelerate our market presence.

Acknowledging the growing importance of this category, I am creating a dedicated Mixed Reality Marketing Team, separating it from the Surface devices team, and taking it as a direct report.
With support from Chris and Satya, we created a CVP level role to head this effort. I am thrilled to announce that after a thorough search, we have found an ideal leader in Elizabeth Hamren, the former CMO of Oculus VR at Facebook. Liz will be joined by Jeff Hansen, Sandhya Thodla and their teams, who have been doing great work driving our progress to date.
We are going to ramp up our sales efforts by investing in a dedicated set of sellers and TSPs for FY18. Combined with the significant marketing investment we are making for this coming holiday with mixed reality headsets marketed on Windows 10 PCs by the Windows 10 marketing team, we are set up to have an acceleration of our mixed reality initiative.
As CVP of Mixed Reality Marketing, Liz will be responsible for driving the global business and marketing strategy, working closely with our internal partners in engineering, Windows product marketing, integrated marketing, the MCB and Commercial teams, and external partners around the world. We have big, bold goals for mixed reality and the impact it can have on our overall Windows and Devices Group ambition to create more personal computing.

Liz is an industry veteran with extensive experience in product marketing, management, and development across a range of devices, spanning over 20 years. Prior to her role as CMO of Oculus VR, Liz served as the Vice President of Marketing at Dropcam, a cloud-based Wi-Fi video monitoring service, acquired by Nest Labs. She oversaw all aspects of marketing, including brand and advertising, product marketing, channel marketing, public relations and social media, as well as web and subscription sales. Liz has also served as Vice President of Marketing at Plantronics and Vice President of Marketing at Jawbone. Previous leadership positions have included posts at OQO, Mayfield Fund and Microsoft (which she left in 2002). She also served as a Director of Cozi Group, Inc. Liz has a BSE in Civil Engineering and Operations Research from Princeton University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

I am looking forward to learning from Liz and adding her extensive industry experience to our WDG Marketing Leadership Team. It’s an exciting time as we push forward in this critical area for the company. Liz officially joins Microsoft today, just in time to join the Exec Retreat, and she will join the team in the office soon. Please welcome Liz to the team.


Quelle: Thurrott

Über den Autor

Martin Geuß

Martin Geuß

Ich bin Martin Geuß, und wie unschwer zu erkennen ist, fühle ich mich in der Windows-Welt zu Hause. Seit mehr als 17 Jahren lasse ich die Welt an dem teilhaben, was mir zu Windows und anderen Microsoft-Produkten durch den Kopf geht, und manchmal ist das sogar interessant. Das wichtigste Motto meiner Arbeit lautet: Von mir - für Euch!
